Soaring overhead - US Air Force

Soaring overhead - US Air Force
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Uncle Sam says: "Buy American Flags made by disabled veterans"

Uncle Sam says: "Buy American Flags made by disabled veterans"
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American Flags made by disabled veterans

American Flags made by disabled veterans
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Romney-Ryan Economic Plan

1 comment:

  1. Overall it's an incomplete analysis. Slashing public spending I can support. However, where are the new jobs to reduce unemployment or replace jobs lost? The government is not an employment agency. Hopefully jobs can be created from the rich corporations by way of tax breaks? That's really big gamble that teeters on a shift of greed to altruism. Unions and regulations capitulate out sourcing. Another big gamble. ACA does shift money away from Medicare. Someone has to pay for it. Another gamble, but by Obama that hospital costs is reduced or remains low. There is nothing to stop rising medical costs. We need a strong defense. Obama plans to cut $700 billion dollars from the military. For the sake money, both parties are willing to oblige. Really big gamble, but by Obama because our troops and family live in controlled poverty. Obama wants the money for his RTTT program, suggesting ignorance in about education and teaching. Classrooms are not mini-businesses and every student learns in different ways. I'm not a fan of either candidate and will continue to shift through the rhetoric. :)
